"This cramping inside me from my back-seat position's like watching a top spin out of control..." ~Green
I thought it would be good to include some of the lyrics periodically from the CD at the end of the blogs, because there are quite a lot of them to share. Funny how my own lyric smacked me in the head this morning so I put it in the beginning.
If you have been friends long enough, you may have determined that I use the phrase, 'like-minded spirits' too much.
I generally use it when I am saying, "It's always good to find like-minded spirits." That can be a dangerous phrase if you are part of a nasty cult, but if you are looking to feel like you belong or looking to excel in an area, it's healthy...at least for preliminary healing to happen.
It's cool to find like-minded spirits in music and in the arts. Not too many people get what I do. While finding them in that area isn't necessary to making the art, my like-minded friends center me and make me step back inside from the ledge. Therefore, finding them becomes crucial.
Now, I think we all have segments of our world where the people around us don't think at all like we do. It's important to separate close-mindedness and opposing views on life. I am all about gaining insight and giving inspiration between two people who aren't at all alike. This isn't what I mean.
When you are not in the driver's seat and you have to put your trust in someone to keep you out of the ditch, it's really scary to do nothing. While your mouth and actions sit on the bench, your stomach is a relentless rebel doing jumping jacks because it knows it is wrong. I think many of you understand acid reflux and churning moths. That is not at all like those lovely butterflies you experience while falling in love.
Sometimes it is possible to jump in the front seat and grab the wheel, but there is always a chance, you could make it worse. Sometimes riding it out is the best thing. For me, I have had to wait until the next pit-stop and in the meanwhile, I am planning my re-route.
I am currently finding it a great thing to politely ask the moths to help me fly. I used to view them as a ball and chain pinning me to a bad situation. I am now thinking that because I cannot physically fly and they can, I will use their wings to eject through the sunroof.
If I land in the desert, at least I can call it a fresh start, right?
Ready to craft a poem from whatever mirage I concoct,
"A criminal transported, an alien deported...is this how Alice felt falling down her rabbit hole or the Billy Goat's Gruff when they came across the Troll?" ~ Green from 'Idiot Savant
I thought it would be good to include some of the lyrics periodically from the CD at the end of the blogs, because there are quite a lot of them to share. Funny how my own lyric smacked me in the head this morning so I put it in the beginning.
If you have been friends long enough, you may have determined that I use the phrase, 'like-minded spirits' too much.
I generally use it when I am saying, "It's always good to find like-minded spirits." That can be a dangerous phrase if you are part of a nasty cult, but if you are looking to feel like you belong or looking to excel in an area, it's healthy...at least for preliminary healing to happen.
It's cool to find like-minded spirits in music and in the arts. Not too many people get what I do. While finding them in that area isn't necessary to making the art, my like-minded friends center me and make me step back inside from the ledge. Therefore, finding them becomes crucial.
Now, I think we all have segments of our world where the people around us don't think at all like we do. It's important to separate close-mindedness and opposing views on life. I am all about gaining insight and giving inspiration between two people who aren't at all alike. This isn't what I mean.
When you are not in the driver's seat and you have to put your trust in someone to keep you out of the ditch, it's really scary to do nothing. While your mouth and actions sit on the bench, your stomach is a relentless rebel doing jumping jacks because it knows it is wrong. I think many of you understand acid reflux and churning moths. That is not at all like those lovely butterflies you experience while falling in love.
Sometimes it is possible to jump in the front seat and grab the wheel, but there is always a chance, you could make it worse. Sometimes riding it out is the best thing. For me, I have had to wait until the next pit-stop and in the meanwhile, I am planning my re-route.
I am currently finding it a great thing to politely ask the moths to help me fly. I used to view them as a ball and chain pinning me to a bad situation. I am now thinking that because I cannot physically fly and they can, I will use their wings to eject through the sunroof.
If I land in the desert, at least I can call it a fresh start, right?
Ready to craft a poem from whatever mirage I concoct,
"A criminal transported, an alien deported...is this how Alice felt falling down her rabbit hole or the Billy Goat's Gruff when they came across the Troll?" ~ Green from 'Idiot Savant